
Big Block Quilts: Using Layer Cakes, Sweet 16s, etc! [Paperback] Review

Big Block Quilts: Using Layer Cakes, Sweet 16s, etc [Paperback]This book has hundreds of design possibilities, all shown in grayscale diagrams.There are photographs of some of them made up, but for most of them you'll have to do your own color choices and placement.These blocks could be made up into bed-sized quilts, starting with large squares as building blocks, or into blocks to go into a quilt, or as a single smaller block as a wallhanging or other small quilt project.This is not for someone who needs handholding and precise step-by-step directions.But if you're confident in your own taste and able to make decisions for yourself as you go along, and can look at a block diagram and see how it should be sewn together, this offers you lots of options.All the blocks are made from simple units -- squares, four patches, "rail fence" units (two rectangles), and half-square triangles.The author gives you lots of possible ways to combine those units into quilt blocks of any size you choose, determined only by the size of square you start with.This is a book I'll return to again and again.

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Product Description:

The latest trend in fabric is precut squares or rectangles. Layer Cakes from Moda are 10 inch squares. Sweet 16s from Maywood Studios are 9 inch x 11 inch rectangles. Marcus Brothers cuts their Spoonfuls into 8-1/2 inch squares. This book contains ideas for all these large squares. Or you can cut you own large squares. One Fat Quarter can be cut into four 8-1/2 inch squares. Making the designs even more flexible, these patterns will work for ANY SIZE SQUARE! The popular 5 inch charm packs will make a fun baby quilt size or table topper. Or maybe you have cut leftover fabrics from past projects into 4 inch or 6 inch squares (or any other uniform size). These patterns will work perfectly for those squares as well! You could even start with a 16 inch or 17 inch square and use one of these patterns to make a king size quilt. It just takes 36 squares of any size to make any or all of these quilts. This book contains instructions to make 238 quilts! All of the instructions are written for beginners. This book offers beginning quilters several benefits. The quilts are all made up of basic blocks. The fabric in the precut, prepackaged fabric bundles all match. The book describes several methods for organizing scrap quilts. Beginning quilters are introduced to the creative process of quilting. However, these quilts are not just for beginners. Experienced quilters can enjoy making a quick project as a gift or to experiment with new colors. This book takes quilters through four steps of basic quiltmaking. Step 1: Choose Your Pattern. Step 2: Organize Your Fabrics. Step 3: Sew Your Blocks Together. Step 4: Layout and Sew Your Quilt. Going through these steps involves quilters with the entire process of quilt making in a fun, simple way.Big Block Quilts contains patterns for 238 quilts with full color pictures of 21 of these patterns. See how similar patterns look in different colors, and see how the same fabrics look in different patterns. This book contains hundreds of ideas for using charm packs, layer cakes, sweet 16s, spoonfuls, fat quarters, and your personal stash!

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